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Over 70% people, globally, fear that they’re not good enough. So, they live their life: → Unfulfilled → Feeling anxious → Extremely stressed → Feeling stuck in their life → Putting their needs in the backseat → Constantly doubting their own potential → Suffering from psychosomatic issues such as thyroid → Unable to live life on their terms - personally and professionally The idea of ‘not feeling enough’, no matter what we do, and living a life of self-sacrifice is so deeply rooted in our beings since childhood that most don’t realize they have the power to live fulfilling, balanced, healthy, and happy lives. Most people struggle to strike a work-life balance and to find healthy ways to cope with stress. They get stuck in the endless Stress-Reaction-Momentary Relief-Stress cycle. I would know. I was stuck in the same cycle. → Felt worthless → Felt like a victim of life → Unable to restart my career → Drowning in stress and anxiety → Suffering from major health issues My life had come to a standstill, and I didn’t want to continue. Until the day I read about Inner-Child Therapy. I realized how my childhood experiences had created limiting beliefs. And life experiences had reinforced them time and again. To an extent that I was coming in my own way. After immersing myself in Inner-Child Healing, Meditation, NLP, Chakra Healing, and more, I found my way. I became an Internationally certified Mindset Coach and Inner-Child Therapist. I embraced myself and broke barriers that made me feel unfulfilled. Then, I founded Etyma Healing & Transformation Centre - A Holistic Wellness Company offering solutions for Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual well-being. (A brand of Etyma Educational Ventures Pvt. Ltd.) I now dedicate my life to helping other ambitious and overachieving people find their power. To help them Reclaim Their True Self and live healthy, happy, successful, and fulfilling lives. If you are a high-achieving individual who is: → Over the age of 30 → Tired of not feeling enough → Suffering from stress and anxiety → Done being a victim, and wants to take charge → Wants to manifest her dream life and reclaim self-love → Ready to 10x her career growth and achieve her full potential My 90-day Growth Accelerator 1:1 Coaching Program, Reclaim Your True Self is for you. ➡️ Join the clan of growth oriented professionals who have reclaimed their life, mindset, mindfulness, health, and sanity through Reclaim Your True Self. DM me “RECLAIM” today, and we’ll work on your self-growth and healing journey.

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