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Robert Bailey

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**AM I FOR YOU?** Are you an Engineer or Salesperson looking to rediscover your True-Self-Esteem and unlock your full potential in both your career and personal life? If so, I can guide you on this transformative journey. **HOW I DO IT:** I employ proven techniques that have garnered praise from thousands of individuals. My approach involves systematically addressing challenges and removing obstacles, paving the way for fresh and powerful ideas. Whether you're focused on your career or personal goals, my methods will instil a newfound sense of power and purpose in everything you do. **MY JOURNEY:** My background is rooted in engineering within the military and aerospace sectors. However, I ventured into direct sales with high hopes, only to encounter a daunting reality. I struggled with call reluctance, both over the phone and in face-to-face encounters, and my finances suffered as bills piled up. Determined to find a solution, I embarked on a personal development journey, exploring various methods from acupuncture to creative visualization. Yet, nothing seemed to work. After three challenging years in sales, I returned to the drawing board. My encounter with personal development persisted, leading me to a Self-Esteem-boosting course in 1993. Shortly thereafter, faced with the need to make sales calls, I decided to apply a technique I had learned from my Self-Esteem course. To my amazement, it worked flawlessly, resolving my call-related issues. What's more, this system proved effective in addressing other negative aspects of my life. While it was too late for me to return to sales, I witnessed remarkable improvements in my engineering business. The impact was so profound that I felt compelled to share this system with others, gaining the necessary qualifications to teach individuals like you. **CONNECT WITH ME:** I offer two ways to support you on your journey: 1. Join my complimentary weekly event, 'It's A Mind Game – Play True Self Esteem,' where we explore fresh ideas and methods to help you bring out the best in yourself and those around you. https://www.meetup.com/i-a-m-g/ 2. Attend a True Self Esteem Discovery Session for a complimentary 1-2-1 call with me. https://app.10to8.com/book/gpxpnxglpnxajdlujf/ Rediscover your True-Self-Esteem and unleash your full potential with me.

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