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Robin Brian

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As an Instructional Designer and E-Learning Developer, I create engaging eLearning content that empowers learners to enhance their skill sets. I have 10+ years of experience in designing and developing blended learning solutions for various organizations and audiences, using rapid development tools such as Articulate Storyline and Rise. My approach to instructional design is based on innovative problem-solving and collaboration with stakeholders and subject matter experts. I apply the ADDIE and SAM models, as well as adult learning theory, to conduct needs assessments, create design documents and storyboards, and produce captivating eLearning modules. I am also proficient in creating microlearning resources, such as videos, infographics, and job aids, that support learner retention and performance. I hold multiple certifications from the Applied Instructional Design Academy, including eLearning Development and Articulate Storyline 360.

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