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Rodrigo Hammer

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​​Information Security professional strongly focused on results with great experience and solid knowledge in the several pillars that permeate the area. As an IT specialist, I worked with technical support in the first experiences as well as in the conduction of projects, implementation of IT Governance processes and leading technical teams. Later, I worked as technical leader and project manager in several Information Security projects, first as a consultant, allocated to clients of various segments and then as an Information Security analyst at Brazil's biggest fashion retail company. Among the projects are: security and IT infrastructure shielding, PCI-DSS, ISO27001 gap analysis and compliance processes, Information Security vulnerability management, business continuity management and disaster recover plans, physical and logical access control, ISO 27001, SIEM, database protection and strategic and sensitive data. In my last experience, I was leader in a digital bank being responsible for creating and structuring an area and an Information Security team, coordinating all technical activities, information security projects and people development. Also, it was the main interface in the areas of Compliance and Internal Audit, acting as leader of business continuity processes and IT disaster recovery. In addition to the skills and characteristics of resilience, leadership, management and development of people, great corporate experience (health, retail and financial areas) and excellent interpersonal relationship, I possess specific and relevant certifications from the Information Security (CISM, CBCP).

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