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Roey Frisch

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As a senior ATC in the Israeli Air Force I have made most of my military career as founder and 1st commander of the IAFs ATC Training Center based at Uvda AFB. I have been the commander of the training center for the last decade, stopping only for 2 years to finish my BSc in electronics and electricity engineering in Holon Institute of Technology. Well known in the ATC branch of the Air Force as Simulator Master and knowledge person for ATC training and certification. My main occupation as the commander of the ATC training center was to design and produce the visual databases, training my two dozens of soldiers (selected carefully for the job) and building their training plans, building and adjusting our training plans and simulations to each of the 10 control towers in the IAF and exploring new advanced training methods. Have accomplished my MA in business management at Ben Gurion University in 2022. Have retired from the Israeli Air Force at December 2023 after 23 amazing years. An American and Israeli citizen, fluently speaking , reading & writing English and Hebrew. Using my little free time to scuba dive (certified advanced diver), mountain bike ride, gardening, family time and a huge fan of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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