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Rohan Pathak

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Emails give you 36:1 returns. What does that mean? You can spend $1 and get $36 out of emails! It's the only marketing channel that has survived the test of time while other social media platforms vanished! And I believe emails are the best marketing revenue channel - especially for SaaS products But unfortunately, most SaaS write and send the most bot-like emails. They look 'corporate-y' and salesy. Ewwww.... No wonder they attract only 'freebie seekers'. You definitely don't want to be like them! I help SaaS companies use emails to build trust and deepen the bond with their users and customers. But I believe in writing 'humanized emails'. Humanized emails are personality-driven and conversational. It feels like the user is reading a text from his friend. This increases email readability and helps build trust and rapport with the user. Here are the benefits of writing humanized emails: - non-salesy, non-pushy emails - easy onboarding and user activation - less churn rate = higher retention - more trust with users - more trust = more $$$ - higher MRR - build a tribe of raving users and customers - Build a reputation in the marketplace What are you waiting for? Follow me and start leveraging your personality to put your competitors in the dust!

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