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Rolando Quispe's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Rolando Quispe

Rolando Quispe

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I’m a Digital Marketer, infusing SEO and Paid Media Strategies to grow and scale ambitious local businesses, E-commerce, and SAAS companies. My unique approach to digital marketing is to provide maximum impact with the goal of surpassing my client's competitors. My strategy to achieve this bold approach is to use both organic efforts and paid advertising together. Over the past years, I have gained experience by working with a multitude of business models that couples perfectly with my corporate communications background. Specialities: - SEO, Paid Media, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, On-page Optimization In terms of my digital marketing experience, I have personally worked with SAAS companies, attorneys, video post-production companies, fintech, e-commerce, high end restaurants, Non-profits, engine manufacturers, construction, medical companies, and local businesses. Visit my website: rolandoquispe.com

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