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👨‍💻 Romain QUECHON's Linkedin Analytics

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👨‍💻 Romain QUECHON

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I have 6+ years of experience in growth, digital marketing & tech industry in Paris & Silicon Valley. My profile & skills are between sales, growth marketing & full stack-web development. Today I am Growth Manager/Product Growth at Wojo, an European leading coworking company, joint-venture of Accor & Bouygues Immobilier. We are managing & commercializing +400 coworking spaces in France, Spain, Germany & Austria. At Agorize, I was specialized in growth marketing & process scaling by leveraging & acquiring a community of 1.7 million of innovators. At L'Atelier BNP Paribas, I was Startup Accelerator Manager by supporting +30 startup in their business development & their go-to-market strategy in collaboration with Corporate leaders in France & Silicon Valley. Feel free to contact & get a coffee! ☕️

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