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Roman Polishchuk's Linkedin Analytics

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A possible summary is: I am the co-founder and COO of U-Hertz, a voice development company that helps businesses grow and thrive through innovative solutions, leveraging the power of Amazon Alexa. With over 5 years of experience in sales training and consulting, I am passionate about empowering others to embrace the excitement of sales and voice technology. I have a bachelor's degree in International Economic Relations and I am certified in PRINCE2® Foundation and Consulting Skills. At U-Hertz, I manage the day-to-day operations of the business, oversee the business development strategy, and lead the hiring and people management processes. I also partner with The Nova Lab, a venture specializing in lead generation for B2B service providers. Previously, I founded ValueSpot, a sales training and consulting company, where I coached and consulted business owners on how to create and deliver effective sales courses and manage their operational work. I have also generated significant revenue and value for various organizations as a business development and sales professional. I am a member of Rotary International, a global network of professionals who share a common vision of service and leadership.

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