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Romeo Mucaj's Linkedin Analytics

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Romeo Mucaj

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We're living in an exhilarating time where you can reach millions of people through so many different channels. That being said, to build a brand, you need to identify the right audience and craft the right story. - I am an innovative, independent Digital Marketing Specialist with the academic background in computer engineering and proven work ethic to lead any marketing campaign. - I am proficient in project management, SEO, budget management, keyword research and analysis, paid ads and social media marketing. - Known for collaborating with all members in achieving and surpassing objectives with success in remote working environments. - Showcases 5+ years as a unique and dedicated marketing specialist that can find success in any type of project. I have developed my professional career through successful remote work and going above and beyond what is expected of me. I have assisted and led diverse projects from all over the world. I thrive in creative, self-driven remote environments managing unique campaigns that generate business growth that exemplifies business goals and values. I look forward to meeting you! You can reach me at [email protected].

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