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Hello, welcome to my profile. I am Ronald, and I'm keen to introduce myself and HRM United to you. All my life I’ve been passionate about people, their behaviors, interactions, purpose and impact. Without any (pre)judgement taking a holistic view at what their existing talents and personality traits are, how they are used in different contexts, and how these can be maximized in HaRMony with and for business, organization, teams, and themselves, and in combination with any given career, life, market and economic condition. Throughout my career I’ve had the privilege to research, advise and support different sized companies, teams, and individuals with a wide range of challenging projects and missions related to business continuity, transformation, and growth. Being a strong believer in inclusion, co-creation, alignment, and 360° communication with relevant and realistic expectation management brought exciting opportunities to incrementally implement updated HRM views and optimizations, that proved to be widely carried and spread, and the right way forward to create extra value & return for people, business, investors, and customers. Building further upon existing HRM models created HRM United. The evidence-based, future-proof method combines different elements from business and HRM excellence, that enhance processes in line with needs, objectives, strategy and culture, and with a result-based view of HRM operating practices. The HRM United model covers the entire workforce and all steps of the complete talent life cycle, from candidate to employee experience, ensuring that every part is robust to maximize strategic and structural output for all stakeholders. Using this tailored HRM United model enables business, organization & HR to: - Reinforce impact of talent acquisition, retention, engagement, and performance of Human Capital - Increase value and return on investment - Align/harmonize Business & HRM practices with current business needs and future strategy, through enhancing the HRM Operating model, processes & framework: People + Leadership + Organization + HR - Achieve more organizational agility, collaboration, resilience, efficiency and effectiveness, leading to significant bottom-line yields and a meaningful competitive advantage. If you are curious how HRM United can help your Business and Human Capital with maximizing value and ROI, don’t hesitate to contact me for discussing your challenges and needs, discovering additional potential and opportunities. Best regards Ronald +32 473 964 381 HRM United is a registered trademark of NSAYS bv

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