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ROLAND MGBONUZU , MBA, Msc's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of ROLAND MGBONUZU ,  MBA, Msc


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As an experienced supply chain professional with a passion for product development, I have built a diverse background in various roles. My career began in the warehouse, where I was responsible for monitoring the inbound and outbound flow of goods. Subsequently, I transitioned into an analyst position, where I effectively managed distribution across warehouses with a particular focus on maintaining optimal stock levels. My next role was as a Product Manager, where I leveraged my skills to grow existing product categories and launch new ones. I excelled in my responsibilities to ensure product visibility across all touchpoints, analyze the factors driving category growth, ensure network compliance in the e-commerce marketplace, and support the order fulfillment team. I am driven by my passion for delivering value and firmly believe that "the customer is king." My ultimate goal is to continue building innovative products and solutions that improve people's lives while contributing to the growth and success of any organization I work with

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