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Rosalie Gorgorian

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Rosalie Gorgorian holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance from Queen Mary University of London and a master's degree in Energy, Trade and Finance from Bayes Business School, London (ex-Cass Business School). She began her professional career in London primarily at Bloomberg LP and later contributed to establish Qbera Capital LLP based in London. She is the Head of Strategy and Business Development at D.E.K.S.A. Ltd. in Cyprus and is a Business Development Consultant for Renewable Energy. Beyond her professional achievements, she is actively involved in politics as she is the Head of International Relations of the Democratic Alignment - Cooperation of Democratic Forces (DEPA) in Cyprus, a former parliamentary candidate for the May 2021 Elections in Cyprus, a member of the Political Council of DEPA, a Co-Founder and a Political Council member of the Youth Organisation of DEPA called NEO.DEPA, a member of the Nicosia District Committee and a member of the Environment and Energy Committees of the party. Rosalie is a Co-Founder of Project M, the Representative of Young BPW Cyprus, a Board Member of BPW Cyprus and the Co-Leader on UN Matters for Young BPW International. She is also the Board Secretary of JCI Cyprus, a Founding and Board Member of WICCI Cyprus, a Board Member of the Armenian National Committee of Cyprus and a member of AIPFE Cyprus.

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