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Roxy Querouz

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"Sweet. Bring it on!" This is me. Always. Typically, before I’ve fully thought it over. But my mind would be racing and 15 minutes later I've already strategized and designed my approach to the task at hand. Okay, maybe 30 minutes. 13 years ago, I moved to Vancouver from Dubai, leaving behind a 14-year career, my entire family, and all my friends, using all my savings. I was 32. I started over as a university student, graduated 2 years later, and obtained my permanent residency 2 years after that. If this doesn't illustrate how I tackle challenges and demonstrate my tenacity and perseverance, I don’t know what will. I didn’t do it alone though; I had the support of my family and a few great friends, making me a passionate advocate for collaboration and teamwork. With over 25 years of versatile experience spanning various industries in Vancouver and Dubai, I am an industry-agnostic business operator who thrives on being the glue that holds teams together, driving high-impact and high-value outcomes. I excel at creating environments that optimize collaboration and productivity within divisions. Whether jumping in to fill gaps, recognizing patterns, or seamlessly adapting to diverse backgrounds, I embody the essence of a workplace chameleon, or as I like to call myself, a corporate shape shifter. My motivation lies in setting others up for success, prioritizing collective achievement over individual accolades. I love to see people triumph and strongly believe your success is my success. My career is defined by a relentless pursuit of new challenges, intentionally seeking opportunities to shape and innovate within any environment. With a track record of consistent delivery, adaptability, and a willingness to go the extra mile, I am ready to tackle new challenges and make meaningful and purposeful contributions wherever I go.

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