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Roy R.

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Nahuatl- ¡Kualli mamaye mo yolotzin no okniwan! Newa no toka Roy. Newa nik toka in shiwitl cannabis, newa nik chichiwa, in patli shiwitl cannabis. ¡Momawizotzin! Spanish- ¡(Que) Estén bien en su ser, mis hermanos! Yo me llamo Roy. Yo siembro esta yierba cannabis, yo fabrico productos (de consume) de la yierba cannabis. ¡Gracias! English- ¡(May you) Be well in being, my brothers! My name (is) Roy. I plant this herb cannabis, I make (cpg) from the herb cannabis. ¡Thank you! I speak English & Spanish fluently, & I’ve been learning Nahuatl & Purepecha. & I’ve been cultivating & extracting cannabis, specializing in extraction refinement & product formulation for the last 15+ years.

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