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Ravinder Pal Singh's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Ravinder Pal Singh

Ravinder Pal Singh

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Experienced Presales Solutions Engineer/Architect, achieving success with Subject Matter Expert Aptitude and Sales Attitude. With over 15 years of experience, and a proven track record of driving successful technology adoption and closing complex deals. I excel in understanding client requirements and translating them into innovative solutions. My subject matter expertise and sales aptitude have led to a high close rate, with around 85% of assigned deals closed and a consistent average of 70% year over year. Known for my ability to build strong client relationships, I thrive in collaborative environments and leverage my communication and interpersonal skills to engage stakeholders at all levels. With a strategic mindset, I continuously seek opportunities to enhance processes, streamline operations, and drive efficiency. As a natural leader, I have played a pivotal role in mentoring and managing new Account Executives and Associate Solution Architects, resulting in a remarkable 20% increase in team productivity. By fostering their growth and success, I have contributed to the overall success of the organization. By staying ahead of industry trends and advancements, I deliver cutting-edge solutions that propel organizations towards their goals. Passionate and accomplished, I am dedicated to achieving success for both my clients and the organizations I work with.

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