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Rupa I.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Rupa I.

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📊 8+ Years Experience: Crafting marketing masterpieces that resonate with the elusive millennial and Gen Z audiences, I've harnessed the power of data to make waves in the digital realm. 🎓 Certifications That Count: Salesforce certified AI associate Hubspot Certified Inbound Marketer Hubspot Certified Email Marketing Specialist SFMC (Salesforce) Certified Email Marketing Specialist 💼 Mastery of MarTech - Looker - Adobe Analytics and Experience Manager - Copy.ai - Notion - Shopify & Square - Mailchimp - Google Analytics - Hubspot - Salesforce 🤖 Passion for AI: An insatiable curiosity and a recent certification in AI have sparked my interest in all things artificial intelligence. From chatbots to predictive analytics, I'm diving deep into the world of AI to unlock even greater marketing potential. 🚀 Ready to Collaborate?: Whether you're seeking email automation expertise or aiming to elevate your brand's digital presence, let's join forces to create marketing magic! 🤝🏾 Email: [email protected] | Let's explore the AI-powered future together. 🌟

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