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Ryan Bailey's Linkedin Analytics

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Ryan Bailey

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πŸ”Ή π—›π—˜π—Ÿπ—£π—œπ—‘π—š - Business and Private Practice Owners - Locum Tenans Doctors and 1099 PAs, NPs, and Travel RNs - Hospital-based Providers and staff with Financial Planning needs πŸ”Ή 𝗦𝗧𝗒𝗣 β‘  Wasting money on unnecessary taxes β‘‘ Wasting money on unnecessary annuity commissions and fees β‘’ Wasting time better spent on your family and profession πŸ”Ή 𝗦𝗧𝗔π—₯𝗧 β‘  Taking advantage of all the options available to you as a business owner β‘‘ Working towards the lifestyle you want β‘’ Spending more time doing what you want, instead of managing complex financial issues

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