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Ryan Cataño's Linkedin Analytics

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Ryan Cataño

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For over 2 years, I've thrived in the dynamic world of technology sales. Currently a Sales Development Representative at NinjaOne. 🥷🏽 Helping others succeed is my fuel, and in this role, I do just that by engaging with prospects, forging lasting relationships, and ultimately, building valuable business for both my company and our future partners. My passion for hospitality shines through in my approach – I believe building trust and genuine connections is key to unlocking success. Outside the office, you'll find me pounding the pavement in training for my next half marathon 👟 strolling with my 2 Boxers 🐶 or adding a vinyl to my collection while catching a live concert. 🎸 When it comes to unwinding, I love crafting the perfect mixology masterpiece – because there's nothing quite like celebrating an accomplishment or connecting with friends over a hand crafted drink. If you're in the tech space, looking to build meaningful connections, or simply passionate about a great Old Fashioned recipe, let's connect! I'm always excited to chat and learn about others.

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