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Sabrina Hosmer

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⭐Peruvian-American, Connecticut accent and Latinx pride! ⭐ Ever since I was in elementary school, I've been fascinated with English, Spanish, and the written word in general. I have also been a firm believer that people must follow their passions in life, and my main career goal is to continue to learn about and spread knowledge of neurodiversity. I have tremendous pride for my autistic family members and hope that they will continue to see a more accepting world over time. My secondary objectives include networking and grant writing in an effort to connect individuals and groups with valuable resources. I decided to enter a helping profession as a college student and have been in the speech-language pathology field since 2011. I have been involved in both in-person and teletherapy assignments as well as community outreach. I also have extensive experience as an online Spanish teacher with Outschool and ESL teacher for VIPKid. My latest adventure is working for Andover and Scotland as a full-time SLP across both districts this upcoming school year.

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