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Saddam ZEMMALI ☁ 🐧 🐳 ☸️ ⛵️

open on linkedin

☞ My GitHub Repository: https://github.com/szemmali ☞ My VMware Codes: https://code.vmware.com/user/szemmali ☞ My Resume: https://trello.com/b/2vQwWfpp/szemmali-resume ❶ [CAREER OVERVIEW]: IT project engineer is my passion and I will not change it for anything else. Being constantly in sync with IT/Telco platforms, Cloud solutions, DevOps ecosystems, huge databases, Linux technology trends, and Network & data centers virtualization, and my goal is to build an expertise in performance troubleshooting, tuning and high availability architectures and to achieve more experience than past projects, thus doing better and faster on the new ones. My ideal fit would be with my family (My wife and My daughter ) and working in a very high-energy environment, where systems are very fast, very large and very available. Such place would be a services/consulting company that requires high analysis skills, does projects that are sensitive for a specific industry, a company that requires deep functional expertise, rapidly changes and endorses innovations. ❷ [ Specialties ]: - R&D Technical engineer with DevOps Culture - Validate and design technical architectures, - Definition of the functional and technical architectures of the target solutions - Writing technical and functional documents (HLD, LLD and How To?) - Make technical recommendations on implementation projects. ❸ [ QUALIFICATIONS]: - Unix/Linux: (+4 years of experience) - DevOps: (+3 years of experience) - Automation: (+2 years of experience) - VMware: (+2 years of experience) - Middleware: (+2 years of experience) - NetOps: (+1 years of experience)

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