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Sahil Ray

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I know you are super busy. Don't worry, you will not lose much time here. I help you keep your content game short, sweet, and relevant to your target audience. Your content should reflect your unique brand tone, educate, and entertain your customers. And, I promise they will come back for more. Being a content writer is not just about correct grammar and plagiarism free content. I mean these are basic. But, an efficient writer will - make the content engaging - optimize it for online platforms - establish an emotional connection with the reader - and win you more leads ( eventually ) When I am not writing content or reading a book, you can spot me with my hundreds of four legged friends. Reach out for 1. Blogs/ Articles 2. Social media posts (LinkedIn) 3. Website copy 4. Newsletters My niches are Lifestyle, Travel, and Pet Care. But I have worked on all non-tech niches. Still reading? Maybe we should chat. You can also mail me at [email protected] Your friendly content writer and strategist, Sahil

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