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Sakthiyendran Arunachalam's Linkedin Analytics

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Sakthiyendran Arunachalam

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Experienced IT industry leader with a successful track record of 20 years in functional, technical, and project/product management roles. Adept at managing and delivering large, complex projects in enterprise integration, digital process automation, and API development. Skilled in project and people management, utilizing a global delivery model to ensure on-time, on-budget, and high-quality results. Expertise in bridging the gap between business and technology, leading cross-functional teams, and envisioning the bigger picture. Hands-on experience in API design and connectivity across various enterprise applications. Proficient in BPM tools and consulting engagements, including process modeling, automation, and evaluation of integration and BPM tools. Strong team player with a track record of successful collaboration across diverse functions, cultures, and geographies. Proven ability in financial management, achieving zero revenue risk on projects and spearheading hiring efforts. Active involvement in pre-sales activities, including RFP responses and project delivery.

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