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Sam Goldberg

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Ever since the age of 18, I've been fascinated by the world of eCommerce and digital marketing. This led me to start ClearDigitalGroup, a boutique marketing agency based in New York City designed to predictably scale eCommerce businesses via Google Ads At our Agency, we strictly offer one service, Google Ads. If you want an agency that offers a full service solution of everything that won't provide you results, we’re not for you. The main focus is simple, get the best results possible for clients the day they are onboarded, through tested strategies that drastically increase sales and ROI Our Agency will only onboard clients that we genuinely know we can provide value for. In fact, if we do not improve your account or generate you profit, we will not charge you a single penny. If you own a DTC brand and are tired of not getting the results you want when it comes to paid advertising, book a call below and let's chat to see if we are a good fit for each other. cleardigitalgroup.com All the best, Sam

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