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Sam S.

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"They forget they are salesmen and try to be performers. Instead of sales, they seek applause" - Claude C. Hopkins Hi there, I'm Sam! A webmaster and marketer for 8+ years. Currently working on creating advertising software to help my fellow PPC advertisers better plan creatives and easily monitor split test data. I started out as a video producer and copywriter when I created my company while attending U of Iowa. I got to work with innovative companies from across the world and even advertise our productions! Working for my own company has taught me other skills such as managing teams, budgeting, and making long-term marketing plans. I've also completed contract work as a freelancer when my more specific skills, such as copywriting or ppc management, are needed. I've worked on projects for well known companies like HP. New product companies like ZenSpace. Software companies like LeadPorte. Large healthcare companies like Royal Care. Companies somewhere in-between health and technology like Reveal Diagnostics. Even for the local County I grew up in! I've also advertised on LinkedIn for B2B, SAAS, Real Estate, Cloud Services, Universities, consultants, and even a few B2C companies. I'm always open to suggestions for providing more helpful tools to my fellow digital marketing geeks. I'm always open to talk about digital marketing or tech in general.

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