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Sam DeMase

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Sam DeMase is an internationally recognized Career Coach, Self-Advocacy Expert, author, and speaker with a community of 650,000+ followers on social media (@apowermood). 🔮🙋🏻‍♀️🏳️‍🌈 She specializes in teaching women how to navigate and hack the corporate system, cultivate their careers, and command their value. Her best-selling digital career tools have been purchased in 30+ countries worldwide. Her expertise has been featured in print (The Washington Post, Forbes, Fortune, NBC, Business Insider & more), on podcasts, and in speaking engagements at companies and universities globally. She has 13+ years of professional experience in People Operations and holds a BA in Business from NYU. Sam has built global training teams for multi-million-dollar corporations, created world-class training programs from the ground up, coached and developed dozens of inspiring leaders, interviewed hundreds of candidates, and advocated her way up the corporate ladder. She faced many challenges in her career and learned to advocate for herself every step of the way. She is proud to teach other women how to do the same. Want all the secrets to hacking the corporate system, cultivating your career, and commanding your value? Get her groundbreaking book, POWER MOOD. 🔮

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