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Samy Vahdat's Linkedin Analytics

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Samy Vahdat

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As a product designer & UX mentor with over 8 years of experience, I love creating digital solutions that are user-centric and impactful. I have designed web and mobile applications for various domains and industries, such as e-commerce, education, & health care. Some of the projects I worked on involved collaborating with teams of more than 10 designers. I have also mentored many junior designers, sharing my knowledge and insights, and helping them achieve their career goals. I'm a UX mentor who conducts training courses for aspiring UX-UI designers. I also provide UX consulting services for companies, businesses, startups, and students who need guidance or feedback on their projects. I'm passionate about UX design and always eager to learn new things and improve myself. I'm looking forward to connecting with you and discussing how we can collaborate.

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