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Sander den Hartog

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Hi and welcome to my LinkedIn profile! Throughout my life, I've had an unyielding passion for embracing challenges. Whether it is on education, business or on a personal level. From trying to study a year in Brazil at the age of 16 (not knowing the language) to running ultra distances (100km) through mountain terrain. And from acquiring a company through a MBO to raising two teenagers. It’s all challenging and scary at times. But that is how I like it, always sort of an adventure. Luckily I’m never alone in these challenges. There is always a team involved to make it happen. In the dynamic landscape of finance and cost management, my journey has been nothing short of transformative. As an independent consultant with several years of experience, I've been deeply entrenched in projects where I was responsible for: ‣ Cost management ‣ Margin enhancement ‣ Profitability analysis ‣ Guiding business towards a brighter financial future Within this realm, I've had the privilege of collaborating with numerous solution providers, each claiming expertise in the domain of financial optimization. Cost and performance management offer similar adventure elements that I always seek. Each company is unique, so assisting them with their cost and performance inquiries is a continuous journey. I enjoy these journeys, they vary but are always accomplished with the same tools. It's akin to my long-distance running adventures: different environments and weather conditions, yet it's the same pair of legs that takes me to the finish line in the end. Ready to optimize your business's financial performance and boost profitability? Let's connect and start this exciting journey together!

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