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Sandra Hinz

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I am a passionate Product Leader with 10+ years of experience in building digital products, leading Product Teams and managing Agile Transformations. I have worked in companies of different sizes with a focus on e-commerce and digital services. My key strength is building Product Teams and scaling Product Organizations. I have a passion for Product Operations (the way we work together as teams at scale) and love to coach Product Managers and Leaders. In Jan 2021 we founded the Value Rebels. We are laser-focused on Product Management and offer consulting, coaching and interim services. Our mission is to disrupt the digital product world in Europe and to ensure that it is not "backlog managers" but real entrepreneurs who fill product roles. I started my career as a management consultant and accidentally ended up on an agile transition project in 2011 - this was when the first wave of „agile“ swapped over to Europe. Since 2013 I worked as Senior Product Owner responsible for the logistics outbound software of a pan-europeans network with up to 600k parcels per week. After scaling up to 3 product teams I transitioned into a Product Lead role. Since then I have built and led teams of up to 8 Product Managers in different domains (logistics, checkout, account, loyalty).

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