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Sandy Zinn

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I'm an award-winning sports industry executive with a deep passion for innovation and collaboration. With a wealth of experience in technology, project management, and recruiting, my expertise lies in relationship-building and business development. My journey in the sports world has been fueled by my fascination with captivating stories and cutting-edge technologies, honed during my time with ESPN and Major League Baseball. From optical tracking to video editing and AR/VR/XR, I'm well-versed in a spectrum of technologies. In the realm of project management, I've earned accolades, including an Emmy Award for 'StatCast' and a SportTechie Award for 'Automated Balls and Strikes' (RoboUmp). My knack for forging strategic partnerships and managing technical operations has allowed me to lead high-profile collaborations with renowned technology vendors like ChyronHego, TrackMan, SMT (SportVision), and Hawk-Eye. On a daily basis, I oversaw all baseball tracking technologies, ensuring top-notch data quality and providing unwavering technical support. Additionally, I established and managed vital baseball departments, such as Umpire Evaluation, Minor League Statistics, and Video Room Monitoring, contributing to the integrity of the sport. Recruiting, hiring, and managing a team of 200 professionals across North America, I efficiently managed a $1 million operational budget, ensuring seamless operations. Before my tenure with MLB Advanced Media, I served as a Senior Editor with ESPN SportsTicker, holding key roles such as Chief Golf Editor, Chief Olympics Editor, and Newsdesk Manager. I'm a dynamic, approachable individual, driven by the virtues of a great athlete and entrepreneur. My unwavering hustle and dedication remain steadfast, no matter the challenge. Let's connect and explore opportunities where my passion for sports, innovation, and relationship-building can make a significant impact.

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