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Sanideep Pathak

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Certified PMP| CSPO | Data Science Enthusiast Sr. Staff Technical Product Manager with 14 Years of experience in Software industry. Grew within GE from Software Engineer to Sr. Staff Technical Product manager; played various roles in designing and developing various modules of enterprise level software, the flagship product, System1®, Digital transformation platform, IIOT based real time services, Currently working as Sr. Staff Technical Product Manager on Digital transformation initiative. Focusing on centralized big data system to gather, curate, clean and secure streaming of data. Key responsibilities: -Requirement gathering, Defining backlog/User experience for the products. - Work with Product champions to define product strategy and road map. -Competitor product survey and comparison study. -Creating Personas and context scenarios for defining UX -Execute Spikes/NTI to mitigate risks, uncertainty and to identify suitable technology and design. -Execute release backlog in predictable manner with maintaining high quality. -Provide guidance to newer team-members and conduct code reviews to ensure adherence to quality and good practices. - Perform and participate in Scrum rituals of Sprint planning, daily stand-up, Sprint end demo and Sprint retrospection to maintain high visibility and for continuous improvement. -Maintain co-ordination among geographically dispersed teams, spread across Mumbai, US -Perform/participate in RCA to identify root cause of major defects and share the learnings. Certifications: PMP, CSPO, TOGAF 9.0, AWS Solution Architect Associate, User Experience Design Training for Professionals from Incubator, Foundation of leadership program @GE, Key Skill set: Product management, Program management, Lean six sigma Technology Stack: Microsoft technologies –,C#, WPF, PRISM/MEF, C++ UX – Balsamiq, Axure, Invision Other Tools – Installshield,Rally, Team city, Aha Practices: Agile, TDD, pair programming, Continuous integration, BDD

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