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Santhosh Kumar Setty's Linkedin Analytics

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Santhosh Kumar Setty

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I am a Product Professional over 12 years of experience in the e-commerce industry, currently working at Dress for Less, a leading online fashion retailer. My role involves identifying and pursuing new opportunities for growth, expansion, and partnership, leveraging my product management and data analysis skills. Previously, I led product teams at Wayfair, Delivery Hero, and Alibaba, where I developed and launched innovative products and features that improved customer experience, operational efficiency, and business performance. Some of my achievements include implementing a directed putaway system that increased warehouse productivity by 30%, developing an assortment management platform that reduced out of stock by 43%, and optimizing search and personalization algorithms that enhanced customer satisfaction and retention. I have a strong background in supply chain management, catalog management, integration, and analytics, and I am always eager to learn new technologies and tools that can help me solve complex problems and create value for customers and stakeholders.

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