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Sassan Sangsari's Linkedin Analytics

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Sassan Sangsari

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I strive to contribute to a physical, intellectual, and organizational ecology in which medical innovation can thrive. ✨ Persian descent, born and raised in Germany, I lived, worked and studied in Africa, Canada, and the Netherlands. 🌎 With a background in science (microbiology) and arts (philosophy), I trained for a traditional profession (medicine). 👨🏻‍⚕️ After obtaining my medical degree in Vancouver, I returned back to my hometown Cologne, where I began my residency training in Cardiothoracic Surgery. 🫀 I ventured out in to the med tech world by helping grow Siilo - Europe's largest secure messenger for healthcare. 📱 I feel lucky to have been immersed in different continents, cultures, and disciplines, granting me the privilege to sometimes view things from an unusual perspective. 🔭 My hope is that my ambitions are respectful of those who were my patient teachers, and worthy of the confidence they placed in me. 🦋

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