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Satvinder Dohil's Linkedin Analytics

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Satvinder Dohil

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Panoram helps law firms and legal teams accelerate their digital transformation through consulting, software engineering and managed services. We specialise in LegalTech, RegTech and eDiscovery, and we use a blend of legal technologies including Nuix & Repstor whilst maximising clients’ investment in Microsoft 365. Our technology solutions cover core legal processes such as case, document and information management and eDiscovery as well as more advanced automation such as legal self-service, collaboration and contract lifecycle management. We are not a law firm or legal service provider. We independently advise clients, helping them to make the right choices for their needs, build the business case and implement the digital change effectively. Specialties: Office365, SharePoint, Teams, Forms, Power Automate, PWA, Project Server, SQL, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, Windows Server, Office Suite, Solution Architecture, Application Strategy, Architecture Design, Delivery Strategy, Collaboration, Project Management, Process Mapping, Business Analysis, Workflow, Knowledge Management, Business Transformation, Business Engagement, Workshop facilitation, Training.

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