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Steve Wright MSc

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"I don't really need coaching,"🤔 I often hear people say this, and they're right in a way. Coaching isn't like food or water – you won't find it on a list of basic survival needs. But, for those who see its value, coaching is a game-changer. Think about athletes. No one questions the need for a coach in sports. They're key to boosting performance, both for individuals and teams. It's just part of the game. Now, when we talk about life and business, things get a bit more complex. It's not just about acing your job; it's about thriving in different areas of your life. And here's the thing – realizing you might benefit from coaching doesn't always come naturally. Sometimes, others need to nudge us towards it. Let's be honest, not everyone's thrilled about BEING coached or even DOING the coaching! Coaching is special. It happens when two people agree to form what I call a 'thinking partnership'. It's different from mentoring, training, or therapy. It’s about unlocking potential. I'm all about diving deep into individual needs and designing coaching programs that are just right for you or your team. With my background in managing customer experiences and solving complex issues, I'm all about effective communication and really getting to the heart of what matters. If you're curious about what coaching could do for you or your team, why not jump on a call with me? Let's have a chat and see where it leads. Just drop me a message saying 'TPC', and we'll set up a time. Looking forward to our Thinking Partnership Call!🤙🏾

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