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Jörg Schofer

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MY STORY After my apprenticeship and after the studies at the business school in Freiburg with the main emphases on marketing, taxes and business development, I sold my first property at the age of 23. This experience laid the foundation for me to build up expertise in the real estate industry and to work as a service provider for real estate transactions. At the same time, I had the opportunity to realize myself in business development and discovered the joy of implementing business models, analyzing existing business structures, making positive changes and increasing efficiency in the digital age. MY OBSESSION & MISSION My passion is to discover business opportunities in the real estate business and successfully conclude transactions for both parties. It is important to me to put quality before quantity and that my business partners receive unique added value. WHY ME I have been working in the real estate industry for 15 years and have successfully implemented various projects. The brokerage of various multi-family houses, residential and commercial buildings as well as villas and apartments in Germany and Switzerland can be proven on request. Taking on management tasks in individual company groups and several years of practical experience in various service sectors have enriched my professional career in recent years. The joy of making a difference, inspiring people and getting them excited about the implementation of corporate goals - that describes my personality. My daily goal is to create an enriching and profitable environment and to create a win / win situation for everyone involved. DO YOU WANT TO know more about me? Do you want to work with me? Apply www.schofer.ch

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