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Scott Upham

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Scott Upham is the Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Churchill Franklin. Upham is a dynamic, experienced full-stack marketing executive, visionary, storyteller, brand builder & futurist with progressive career success developing and deploying strategic marketing plans, designing and launching effective consumer, B2B & SaaS digital marketing campaigns, creating award-winning advertising & public relations campaigns and designing and managing global enterprise-scale CRM systems. An internationally acclaimed corporate strategist, Upham is a trusted advisor to the world’s most influential businesses and institutions. Frequently cited by prestigious business journals including The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, Financial Times, Reuters and Bloomberg News, among many others, Upham is also an on-air commentator for CNBC, National Public Radio & Associated Press Radio. Recognized as a corporate thought leader, Upham’s futurist insights in ideation, technological migration and corporate innovation have powered the successful launch of disruptive products and services that have transformed industries worldwide. A sought-after lecturer and conference speaker, Upham is a recognized authority in the fields of marketing, market research, CRM, corporate reputation, and customer satisfaction. As an in-demand corporate advisor and management consultant, Upham leverages a practical data-driven approach to explore global markets, emerging trends, industry-specific best practices and sector dynamics. This impactful methodology yields actionable insights that empower informed decision making, foster growth and produce enduring results for clients in over one hundred countries worldwide. Before founding Churchill Franklin, Upham served as a senior marketing executive at several companies including Ford, Takata, J.D. Power and Associates and Harris Interactive. A serial entrepreneur throughout his 34 year career, Upham founded several marketing & insights firms including Providata, Valient Market Research & Churchill Franklin. Upham earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Relations from Eastern Michigan University and completed graduate studies from Pennsylvania State University, business analytics coursework at Harvard University and the Foundations of Corporate Communications Executive Education program at Erasmus University – Rotterdam (Netherlands). Indeed Resume/CV: https://profile.indeed.com/p/scottu-y4wh6ox

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