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ADVOCATE & VISIONARY Over the past 25 years of my career, I have had the great fortune to impact the field of education by breaking down barriers in recognizing the value and uniqueness each person's diversity brings to the world. It’s what drives me. I believe the inequities of our systems demand collective attention. I offer focus and discovery for learners of all ages, families, and communities. It is through a human-centric approach to the divers brilliance, lived experiences, and identities of those who have been historically marginalized that I help the world see things differently. LEARNING AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Within the University of South Florida's College of Education's Institute of School Reform, my service to state-wide district and school educators is in the areas of learning foundations, organizational change and research methods. Samples of responsibilities have included coordinating state-wide Student Support and Academic Achievement, leading direction in state-wide School Improvement, developing, designing, delivering and evaluating Professional Learning as well as leading Project Management in adult learning opportunities. TEACHER DEVELOPMENT Through the roles of graduate student, adjunct instructor and currently administration, I serve undergraduate and graduate students in teaching, learning, and assessment. Exceptional course reviews have been upheld in topic areas of, but not limited to: Learning Principles Applied to Instruction; Teaching Methods in Elementary School; Assessment in Literacy, Teacher Research Methods in Reading; Cognition, Content and Comprehension, and Human Diversity. SPECIALIST OF DIVERSE LEARNERS AND EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP The School District of Manatee County afforded me the opportunities to teach and lead the students in Florida through the responsibilities as a classroom teacher, instructional coach, designer and facilitator of professional learning, and leader and coordinator of district-wide systems change. Highlights include co-leading the opening of two elementary schools, being recognized as an exemplary educator (Disney Teacher Nominee, National Board Certification, Fulbright Scholar), coach (district and regional coach of the year), and leader (Commissioners Leadership Academy, Fulbright Leadership awards).
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