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Selen Lun 🌈 (Any)

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I am a hu-man with many hats, but I am not selfish,I share them with others too sometimes. I've founded Lun Family Company with the idea of; 'I am not gonna make more than 6 months in any company, so I have to build my own company' basically , but also, I believe in my voice, I believe in my curiousity and where it takes me by that I want to encourage the curiousity and adventure more! Let's say ' Selen Lun is the leader of a new world (company!) where you're not punished for your curiousity but embraced!' Also, I've been an civil aviator for 6 years. (This is a clue that you'd need to know on the previous episodes). 'Lun' is 'Moon' in Latin, 'Family' is not an 'F Word', 'Company' represents comradeship on business but also on our lives which technically and spiritually, larger than 'business' itself(: Lun Family Company is a diverse family: which means, this family members are not only humans but also animals,plants, universe... XREventist is Lun Family Company's first branch as a ngo for sustaining XR (Extended Reality) Technology accessibility and producing XR events, meetings, DEI series that would help us to get out of the idea about 'Tech Is For Men and Boys' . Yes,it's embarassing to say this but then, don't make me say this (: I am Turkish and currently living in Türkiye,İstanbul, so I better not tell about my 'gender non-comformity' neither my faith or vegeterainism...

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