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Selina Johnson

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If you're a coach, consultant, or service provider with a team of 3 or more, chances are you're facing some common challenges: 1. Your team relies on you for every single thing, causing a bottleneck in your business 2. Limited time to manage the demands of your business, let alone a remote team 3. Uncertainty about whether you have the right team in place 4. Lacking a clear roadmap for scaling your business with a self-sufficient team 5. Lack of confidence or know-how to elevate your team's performance 6. Wishing your team could take action faster and with fewer mistakes You might resonate with all 6 challenges or just 1. Why does this matter? Delegation is the key to hitting home runs. It's a fact— CEOs who delegate effectively generate 33% greater revenue. Don't believe me? Here are 5 benefits CEOs have experienced by creating a self-sufficient team: 1. Focus on high-value tasks that drive your business forward 2. Increase productivity and efficiency across your team 3. Empower your team to make independent decisions, fostering autonomy 4. Cultivate a highly motivated and engaged team that takes ownership 5. Unlock the potential for increased revenue And these are just a few of the benefits! But here's the catch—you don't have time to figure out how to get there. You're busy running your business and need a solution. That's where I come in. I’LL MAXIMISE YOUR TEAM’S PERFORMANCE. Your team operations strategist with a track record of success: → Multi-award-winning entrepreneur with 19 years of experience → Worked with distinguished figures, including two Dames and a billionaire investor → Mentor for entrepreneurs at Enterprise Nation → Created a 7-figure digital course, 'The Ultimate Delegation System' → Dynamic speaker on stages with 1,000+ audience → Managed a team of 18 freelancers & 2 employees remotely My results speak for themselves: → Achieved an 82% increase in monthly revenue through maximising team performance → Reduced working hours from 30 to 20 p/w, enabling quality time with family → $70k to $3m in annual turnover within 2 years That's the level of impact I bring to the table. Now, it's decision time: A - Will you sit and do nothing, risking a decline in revenue, growth and success? or B - Will you choose the path of invaluable support, where I can help you scale your business with a self-sufficient team, achieving remarkable results? Take your time and let me know which one it is. A or B. If you decide on B - DM me 'I'm ready to go,' and let's embark on this transformative journey together. Speak soon.

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