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Serena Sabala

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- We believe that YOU are the most important person in your life. - We believe that the more YOU have, the more YOU have to give. - We believe that YOU are capable of WAY more than you think. I am a Certified Nutrition Consultant, Yoga Teacher, and Sculpt trainer. I am the co-founder, with my husband Eugene, of Whole Shift Wellness: a coaching company specialized in bespoke programs for (mostly) female leaders. Based on our combined 20+ years of experience transforming the wellbeing of over 500 professionals across 5 countries, we have been able to develop a proven method to shift you to your most fit, healthy, and confident self within one year WITHOUT extreme diets or punishing exercise routines. My book "Make The Shift" delves deep into our unique approach. My passion for health and wellness started at a young age. When I was only 8 years old my father, a very successful and busy entrepreneur, got really sick: unfortunately, he didn't have the tools to take care of his own wellbeing and therefore crumbled under the pressure of his demanding work and life. This led to him losing everything he had, with huge consequences to our whole family. As a result of my childhood experiences, I have developed an interest in mastering how to take best care of ourselves, so we can be our greatest selves in all areas of life. Today, I work passionately to help female leaders be strong, fit and balanced so they can be healthy and satisfied and can continue to have a positive impact within their organizations and the communities around them. We are also very passionate about bringing wellness to the workplace and believe that “employees who are cared for, care more”. CASE STUDY "Working with Wholeshift wellness has changed my life- literally. In
Feb 2020 I was barely functioning due to severe back pain, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t get proper help from my GP, and my diet wasn’t optimal with too many takeaways, eating out, crisps, and mindless eating. Not only am I now 99% pain-free, but my whole mindset around food, my body, and my well-being has also completely changed. I now make choices based on honoring myself and my body. I no longer exercise or eat well to punish myself “thin”. So grateful for the all-around support from Eugene and Serena. Not sure how I would have coped with the past crazy year without them. Serena said before we began, “you have no idea what profound changes you’re gonna see”, and she was right. This is about so much more than just food and exercise!" Elisabeth Valentine Kristiansen- Speaker, Voice over artist & Coach

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