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Shaikh Hussam Lateef's Linkedin Analytics

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Shaikh Hussam Lateef

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As the Chief Pharmacist at Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital, I have established and led the Department of Pharmacy since 2018, ensuring high quality and safe services for the patients. I have over 16 years of experience in the hospital and healthcare industry, with a strong background in pharmacotherapy and medicines management. I am skilled in using health information systems (HIS), such as Cerner Pharmnet and Pyxis, to provide drug information, therapeutic drug monitoring, and other clinical research activities. I have also conducted an interactive session in the Hospital Grand Rounds on the comparative efficacy of tissue plasminogen activators and other thrombolytics. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy from the University of Karachi and a Master's degree in Pharmacotherapy and Medicines Management from the University of Sunderland-UK. My goal is to enhance the quality of patient care and outcomes through evidence-based practice and innovation.

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