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Shane Ramirez's Linkedin Analytics

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Shane Ramirez

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Whether its dynamic visual storytelling or targeted video content, I thrive on the creative collaborative process. The results are personalized video branding that automates your online marketing and reaches your audience in a deeper way. With over a decade of experience in front of the camera as an actor and behind the scenes as a director, I know what it takes to make you or your employees the perfect stars for your business. Think of me as your acting coach and your business as the movie we're making! My Specialized Processs involves: -Deep Dive Sitdown Interviews with you to discuss your videos needs -Pinpointed production plan to meet your schedule -Probing Interviews where I put on my director hat so we can get to the core of who you are -Customized Visualization of your brand/business through versatile b-roll and images -Video Editing and Post Production Mastery to put the professional polish on your project -Multi Platform Content Creation so your video can live on any social media site Videos Include: -Video Business Cards -Testimonials -Quick Promos or Profiles -Social Media Commercials -Mini Documentaries Send me a message! I'd love to learn more about your project needs and how I can help.

Check out Shane Ramirez's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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