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Shannon Cunningham

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I am an Education & Enablement Leader with over 20 years of experience in designing, building, and deploying effective and innovative training programs for customers, partners, and staff in the SaaS and PaaS industries. I have worked with leading companies such as Salesforce, ServiceMax, Tray.io, and Okera, where I led cross-functional teams and initiatives to reduce time to value, increase user retention, and enable growth and expansion. My core competencies include training strategy, resource planning, talent development, product enablement, and outcome-based learning. I have a proven track record of creating and delivering engaging and impactful learning content that aligns with business goals and customer needs. I have also mentored and coached diverse and collaborative teams to achieve excellence and exceed expectations. My mission is to help customers and employees achieve unheard of outcomes and experience the full potential of the products and services they use. Currently, I am looking for new opportunities.

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