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Shannon Seidl's Linkedin Analytics

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Shannon Seidl

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Prior to joining DecisionLink, I was fortunate to work at one of the largest technology companies in the world partnering with prospective and current customers ranging from fast-growing startups to industry leading organizations. As a consistent contributor I saw first hand the importance of value based conversations which led me to my position now at DecisionLink. DecisionLink is the leader in Customer Value Management, helping companies to simplify, automate and scale business value conversations at every stage in the customer journey with our platform, ValueCloud®. By empowering marketing, sales and customer success teams to scale their value practice and realize the impact of their solutions, we help companies increase their customer collaboration and build customers for life. DecisionLink helps over 100 of the world’s leading enterprises including, Crowdstrike, DocuSign, 6sense and Highspot. Growing up in the greater Boston area, I was fortunate to travel up North and grow a passion for skiing. The snow conditions of the northeast prepared me well to take on the west coast! You can learn more about DecisionLink by clicking on the links in the 'Featured' section. Don't hesitate to reach out if I can be of any assistance. 📨 [email protected] 🔗 www.decisionlink.com

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