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Hello! Glad you could be here. I was working at a fortune 500 company. I used to love my job - the profile, the money, the status - everything! But, I quit. Why? I was the LPG sales manager looking after three districts in Tamilnadu. This magnitude of responsibility made me confident that I could do more - especially if I was my own boss! After I quit, I started working on my online GATE coaching company - HIATUZ Academy. I had an all India GATE rank of 66 and at the time, it was the only asset which I believed I could monetize. And the journey with Hiatuz has been an exponential learning curve for me on various fronts - writing, teaching, digital marketing, content creation and many more! During this period, I have also co-authored a textbook on control systems(an electrical engineering subject). On linkedin, I will be sharing my learnings and opinions of my entrepreneurial journey! I take 1:1 career counseling sessions for engineering students. Dm me if you want to book a session.
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