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Shashank Kumar

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A forward thinker with recognized leadership and senior managerial skills with 20 plus years of experience. Extensive history of strong profit, cashflow, risk and controls management, including multiple turnaround and transformation situations in different businesses across geographies. Truster advisor to Executive leadership due to hands on approach and an ability to grasp key business needs. • Chief Operating Officer leading turnaround of IBM’s Consulting Business in Middle East and Africa • Setting up and streamlining finance functions across multiple countries for IBM in Africa • Joint Venture business case modelling, M&A, integration and divestiture • Turnaround of loss-making unit within a year by stringent cost management and exiting loss making contracts • Enabling business outcome based culture to be more impactful, effective and repeatable • Talent acquisition, coaching and development to enable culturally diverse, high-performance teams Strategic Planning Team Building & Leadership P&L Accountability Mergers and Acquisitions Cash Management Operational Improvements Controls Focus Revenue Management Business Turnaround Organizational Transformation Change Management

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