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Sheharyar Arshad's Linkedin Analytics

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I am guessing you are a busy CEO or some founder to have landed in this section. 🔹So, I am a copywriter who believes in one reality..."impact". Make no mistake...I write copy, not calculus. 🔹Storytelling has been a prominent feather in my cap. From brand stories to personal ones...I have been having my fair share of them. 🔹Having all that drive...I jumped to LinkedIn to start my personal brand. Learned a thing or two and implemented it. The results shook me. Within two weeks, I was able to increase my following by 4x and had a trustworthy community on my back. That's what vouches for my Ghostwriting. 📌 Steal my strategies to carve your startups into well-known brands. 📌 Got a license to print money, I am the go to person to sign it. Care to have a chit chat. 😉 Race to the featured section.

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