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Shirley Lents's Linkedin Analytics

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Shirley Lents

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Strategic and well-connected Director of Business Development and expert Sales Enablement leader with 15+ years of experience in Corporate Strategy, Business Development, Staffing, Operations Management, and Finance. 🏆Accomplishments🏆 ✅ Consistently outperformed sales targets by an impressive 20% year-over-year, generating over $30M in net-new revenue. ✅ Successfully managed and nurtured extensive client portfolios, resulting in a notable 15% increase in customer satisfaction. ✅ Orchestrated the development and seamless execution of strategic plans, effectively boosting market share and unlocking new business opportunities. ✅ Cultivated and sustained robust relationships with clients, stakeholders, and customers, enhancing collaboration and mutual growth. ✅ Highlights encompass generating $100M+ in Loan Generation and adeptly steering expansive client portfolios for robust business expansion. My expertise and interpersonal skills can help your organization achieve its revenue and growth targets while delivering social impact. I would love to discuss your business needs and explore how I can provide winning solutions to empower, implement and drive successful campaigns and marketing across multiple faceted industries while enhancing customer relationships. Contact: [email protected]

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