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Siddiq Anwar

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Dr. Anwar is keen on using data-driven decision-making in healthcare and process optimization to improve overall healthcare outcomes. He spearheaded the digitalization of the End Stage Renal Disease program in SEHA and the digitalization of the Complete Acute Kidney Injury Management pipeline at SSMC and helped set up the Paired Kidney Exchange program in UAE. This work has been awarded by HIMSS, the Arab Hospitals Federation, and the Patient Safety Conference. He also was awarded the best nephrologist in the UAE by Health Magazine in 2023. He is collaborating with colleagues from Khalifa University and Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence to develop an AI Platform, “RenAIssance” to help improve Acute Kidney Injury outcomes. Their team won the grand prize in a national hackathon organized by Ericsson & UAE Ministry of Economy and their team was a semifinalist in the 3C-AI4H Bowl-Institute for Augmented Intelligence in Medicine (I.AIM), at Northwestern University, USA. In addition, "RenAIssance" has received a Research grant from the Department of Health, Abu Dhabi An energetic, forward-thinking academic nephrologist, Dr Anwar has trained and worked at some of the leading academic centers in the world. He has strong experience and expertise in state-of-the-art patient care and research. He can develop strategies and build programs from scratch, enhance established programs, and establish new opportunities. He is leading many innovations in medical informatics to promote data-driven decision-making in medicine. He has experience in engaging the community, competing centers, and supporting organizations. He is supporting capacity-building initiatives across the Middle East, Asia, and Africa to create a workforce to develop sustainable healthcare systems. In addition, he has developed and delivered training programs to prepare the healthcare workforce for the future of work which are first in the region like AI-guided Point of Care Ultrasound, and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy. His specialist interests include Transplantation, Interventional Nephrology, Critical Care Nephrology, Precision Medicine, and Health Systems Engineering. He is creating a food forest in India. Check out its Instagram handle https://instagram.com/razafarmindia Looking forward to meeting like-minded folks from Industry, Academia, and regulators to collaborate on any project that helps improve bedside clinical care, healthcare outcomes, and the healthcare ecosystem.

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